At its core, SDGs successfully articulate a multi-faceted vision that is holistic, global, partnership-based and part of the global-local binomial. Thus, the degree of commitment at a global stage, supported by institutions, companies and governments, further solidifies a sense of reassurance in a time of crisis. In an era marked by uncertainty, the SDGs offer an alternative roadmap with accountability mechanism to help maintain its importance and relevance.
Despite its strengths, the 2030 agenda also displays a series of weaknesses that undermines its potential. For instance, the goals implemented are not accompanied by any binding legal agreement, meaning that there is no capacity to enforce compliace towards its members. Instead, these goals are left in the hands of some very specific international and multilateral agreements that include the fight against climate change, trade, employment, etc. Moreover, the reasonable lack of effective coordination and immediacy could also render the intended purpose of this agenda.
More information on specific SDGs:
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